Wednesday, August 4, 2010

One Month In

I want to apologize to each of you who are following along on my journey with me. I have not been posting like I should be. I have had so much going on that time is getting away from me.
I had two very good friends from Il. here visiting with me and helping me out for over a week. We had such a wonderful time together and shared so much. Their mission when they left home was to keep me positive and to motivate me. And I must say they certainly did that. And they made me eat, made me laugh, and even cleaned my apartment. Hung some drapes in my living room that I had been putting off doing since moving in here. I got to sit in the Queens chair and they went through my spare room and tossed out things that I wanted to pitch and just made a world of difference in that room. They carried loads of things to the trash and just really lightened my junk in that room. We went out to dinner and went to garage sales, my Willy has to have her garage sale fix every week. I didn't buy anything, oh yes I did, I bought just a few little things from this young boy at one of the places that we stopped. He was so cute and I would have bought him to take home with me if he had been for sale but of course he wasn't, but we took a shine to each other and he was about eight or nine and insisted that he help me to the car and opened my door for me. He really touched my heart and had the most beautiful blue eyes and very dark hair. I thought of my brother who passed away last year and how he must have looked like this young man when he was that age.
I took the girls shopping down town Lees Summit, we have a quaint little area that has some really neat shops and they seemed to have really enjoyed that. It was very hot but we managed to hit a number of shops. Hope they are not upset with me for having spent so much money. It was a hoot to hear them wonder how they were going to get everything in the car to take home with them. It is a very small car and you know how us girls are when we travel away from home for a week, we pack extra heavy. They even brought a queen size bed with them. Thank goodness it was an air bed. But I have to say they did a great job of packing it all in there. Leave it to Judy she can pack a tuna boat into a sardine can.

Well I had my third biopsy this passed Monday, I think I am getting tired of these biopsies. But this one will tell if this cancer drug I am taking is killing the cancer cells and shrinking the tumor. I won't know anything until this coming Monday. The waiting is driving me insane.

I went to my first breast cancer support group last night. I was what they called a newbie, I learned quite a few things. We had a lady there who has a shop called Reflections. This boutique carries things that breast cancer patients need, from prostheses to swimwear. I didn't stop to realize everything that was involved in having a breast removed and that you would need special garments, special lotions, the ins and outs of wigs, so many things that these women shared that I hadn't even thought about. I am so happy, and somewhat sad to know what others had to share, and what they have gone through and what I have to look forward to.
I just what to reach the goal of saying I am a survivor.

I am so thankful that I have family and my friends to help me face the battle, this is not something to face alone. The road is rocky and the mountain is high and sometimes it is so very hard to stay positive but I know that I must do it, I want to reach the top. Through the help of my daughter who is a true blessing to me and my friends that just left, I have now started a vision board. I think it is something that will work for everyone to keep you focused on the important things in life. I know that it is helping me. Along with prayers and support from others. I am fighting like a girl.

I want to say thank you to all of you for the cards, the flowers, the phone calls asking if I need anything, all of your prayers and support. I have some wonderful people in my life and I am so thankful to each and everyone of you!!!!!!!!!!!!! My circle is hand picked like a beautiful bouquet of flowers and I just could not make it without you. I love you all very much.