Friday, July 9, 2010


Met with the breast surgeon this morning. She answered a few of our questions but left us with even more.

Unfortunately it looks as if the first step in our process will be to relocate my defibrillator. They will combine that surgery with installing the chemotherapy port.

The doctor didn't discuss with us - nor would she answer - questions about the current stage of the cancer. We know the tumor is at least 3cm x 4cm but could be larger when they end up relocating my defibrillator since it is hindering them getting the best look at the tumor itself. The pathologist did indicate that it was at Stage 3 but she didn't talk in terms of Stages.

I'm planning on enjoying the weekend with Nicole and Alexis and Monday morning we will be back at it first thing with a CT scan scheduled for 8:15am. They'll analyze my chest/belly/pelvis and also do a bone scan to identify if the cancer has spread, and if so - where.
Then we meet with the Oncologist Monday afternoon to hopefully put to rest some of the outstanding questions that we have.

Need prayers more than ever now.

After the doctors appointment we came back to the apartment and had lunch & watched "It's Complicated". What a funny movie! I suggest it to all of my girlfriends!

Alexis had a field trip planned this evening. She surprised me with a trip to Independence Center where she led me into the mall on a blind trip. I didn't know where I was headed but she knew her destination. I was so surprised with the fact that we were to build a teddy bear together at Build-A-Bear Workshop. Alexis wanted me to be able to take the bear to treatments with me and to have something soft and cuddly for me to hold onto and to remind me that she and I will never be that far apart.

She's adorable, and fluffy, and pink.

I will keep you informed here as to our next steps. Please feel free to comment - your words make me feel warm and fuzzy.
Love to you all!


  1. What an adorable bear! It's been wonderful to spend time with you. I'm looking forward to the weekend. ~Nicole

  2. *hugs*



  3. I had NO IDEA! I love you, mama! I'll be praying for a speedy recovery!!!! You have always been and always be in my heart!!! ~Tara~

  4. Sending you lots of love and healing, feel good vibes!

    Jess (an old online friend of Nicole's)

  5. Bobbi, the bear is so cute!! Looks just like you,"the Queen" I will get a hold of you later this weekend. Judy.

  6. I will be praying for you.


  7. I got chills reading about your bear. What a sweet grandaughter you have. Love you all. Let us know what we can do.


  8. Wow the build a bear trip brought tears to my eyes... You will be in my prayers...

  9. Your bear is so incredibly cute! How long do the girls get to stay?

    Monday is gonna be a long tedious day for you, CT at 8:15, followed by nuclear medicine bone scan, followed by oncologist

    I'm sorry your doctor visit at the Breast Center left you with more questions than answers...

    I love you. Keep me posted. I'm praying for you...

  10. I love the prayers and the love that is being sent my way. The girls are keeping me from going insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Just wondering how your Dr visit and tests went today. Keep us posted! You are in my prayers!
