Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Journey My Voice

July 12th 2010

Wow............. what a day it has been. I had to be at the hospital at 8:15 to get a CT scan. As always it was hard for them to start an I.V., but Matt was good and got it on the 2nd try. Good going Matt, what an adorable young man. He hates being poked also, so he mastered it on the 2nd try. I got the radioactive substance injected and I had to wait a few hours before they could run the scans. So we ventured back to my apartment to wait for the drug to work it's way through my body. 11:30, back to the hospital. Back to Matt. And the narrow little bed, not something I could fall asleep on, so there I was stuck in one spot, can't rub my nose or move anything. Worried sick that my whole body was going to light up like a Christmas tree. Praying that God wouldn't be too busy and that he could hear me begging. And trusting that he knew how important it was to this small family for the cancer to be just in my breast. My girls were waiting right there with me and for me. We were told we would get the test results today, Matt told me that he wasn't so sure about that it normally took a few days to read the results and then they would be sent on. But we needed those results ASAP. Once again I turned to my higher power. Tenisons were running high we needed some answers today.

We left the hospital once again with worry in our hearts and my mind running wild.

2:10 back to the hospital again, this time was the meeting with the Oncologist. Prayers answered she had the CT results, prayers answered the cancer was just in the left breast but now 4 lymphnodes, and it had grown to 5x3.
This cancer is an estrogen dependent, so course of treatment is to lower the level of estrogen.
So after careful consideration my Oncologist felt that the best course of action for me was to enter a Clinical Oncology Program that has shown amazing results. Hormone Theraphy. This program consits of a drug that is given every day for 3 weeks. Then another breast biopsy will be done to see if the drug has slowed down the cell growth and is shrinking the tumor. If it has then I continue with the drug for another four months, with regular measurements being taken and mammograms given. At the end of this treatment program hopefuly all cancer cells will be dead and the tumor will have shrunk. Then it is on to a mastectomy.
If the drug doesn't work by week 3, then it will be back to square one. With Chemo and radation being the treatment. But with all my other health problems help me to pray that this hormone theraphy will be the answer. And that I can help some other women or women down the road by what the study has learned from me.
Please continue to pray for me. I need your love, prayers and support to master this journey. I love each and everyone of you. My blessings and prayers are always sent your way..............................
My girls went back to Texas this morning and my heart is feeling empty. They were like angel dust sprinkled on my life the four days they were here. I said a prayer for them as I hugged and kissed them goodbye, and wished them a very safe trip. They took a big part of my heart with them. My girls, my love, my life.


  1. good thoughts and well wishes for this drug, may it kick your cancer's ass! =]


  2. Aunt Barbara, I have been so impressed by how well you write and I think you could be very successful as a novelist!

    I was so relieved yesterday when you shared your news. Even though it is still the ugly c-word. And I'm thankful that your prayers were answered with the speedy test results - Anxiety is so counterproductive to good health. When do you anticipate starting the trial of hormone therapy? ASAP no doubt... Your cancer is not an HER-2 cancer is it? And will the clinical trial be given by St. Lukes or by the Kansas City Clinical Oncology Program?

    Sorry your girls had to go home...wish they could have stayed a few more days with you.

    I love you. I want to be a soldier in your battle.

  3. Keep it up. Keeup up the writing and the sharing. You don't know it quite yet but it's good for you and it's good for everyone to be there every step of the way for you.

    When you have successfully beat this thing you'll be able to look back and see how far you've come.

    Love you!
